Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekly Report: Finally About to Get Soaked!

Hey everyone!
This week was an awesome, really busy week filled with strange smells because I tried STINKY TOFU! It was actually fairly bland for how bad it stank. I really was kinda disappointed with it because I thought it would be much more horrifying. I would eat it again if people bought it for me, but I think for myself I will not waste my moeny on it. Really not that great. There was the revenge of the tofu though. Everytime I burped the entire day long, I would have the most disgusting taste in my mouth. Seriously, it tasted like the stuff smelled. I would burp silently and then apologize to my companion because of the rank-ness.

We will finally have someone baptized in the Danshui Ward! Our investigator, Zhen4 Jm will be entering the fold of God this Saturday. I am so excited! Elder Benson was selected to do the honors and I will be giving the talk for her service. I am nearly dying of anticipation. It's the first time on the island!

We saw some really awesome phone miracles this week. We'd be calling someone and their phone would be off but we would need to talk to them, so I would say a prayer and sure enough, even though the power had been previously off, the next time we called, just minutes later, they would pick up the first ring. I was totally blown away by the stark miraculity (almost sure that's not an actual word) of it all. It was so cool to see that the Lord will really support His servants and make a way for them to succeed.

Speaking of succeeding, I have been making remarkable strides in finishing my Phase 1 which is a language study tool. I had a goal to finish it by the end of this transfer, which is today. I have not quite hit that goal, but I will be done this week for sure. I have really seen miracles as I have tried harder to do my part. The Lord has blessed my knowledge of this language to increase so much in just this week alone.

Oh, we got move calls this week and both my companion and I were very surprised that we are both going to be staying here. I am very pleased because I wouldn't mind seeing the fruits of my labors all get baptized.

The girl situation has gotten a lot better this week. They are still after me like crazy, but someone must have talked to the worst of the bunch because this Sunday she didn't try to hang onto my hand for minutes when shaking it, didn't try to cozy into me, pet my arm and best of all, apologized when she kinda did. I think that is a small miracle and blessing because I'll be honest, I was really freaked out by her and it was really affecting the way that I interacting with her. I feel like I can love her more if I am not so terrified of her.

Well, that's all from me this week! I love you all, over and out!
Elder Siebert

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