Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Turning Around

Hey everyone!
This week has our temple day, so I am sorry to have this email get out so late to you. We had a good, hot week. We worked hard and we saw miracles from it, but they're going to have to wait until after.....

The Food Review: So I broke down this week and made some black nanny. It's actually not bad. It's something along the lines of a vanilla coke, but a little better in the creaminess of the drink. Like a vanilla coke cream soda. Well, we have a member family who are from Brazil and I go and teach them Chinese every week. They always invite us to eat with them and try and get us to take whole pizzas home and such. Well this week, they didn't push a pizza on us, but they did treat us to the Brazillian drink Guarrana. To all those who know this drink, you know it's good. So I took my can home and used a portion to make....

"Opair Nanny"! It was actually really quite good. It's a little more exotic than your run-of-the-mill "black nannies" but like the Opairs that it is named after, must return to it's homeland after a year or two. Haha, just kidding! I give it 4 out of 5....whatevers.

This week when we were on exchange with my district leader Elder Bogel, we ended up not having keys to the church so we had to borrow Sister Wynder's. Since we had some free dinner time, we made a little scavenger hunt for her to find them after we used them because we had to hide them for her anyway. So fun.

Just yesterday I saw a great miracle. In the morning, I contacted this amazing man before a lesson. I invited him to baptism on the street without much ado and he accepted. He said that he would come by later in the day. Well, our DM went overtime and I wasn't able to see him right after. However, we were headed out of the chapel a little later and I saw him rounding the corner, walking away. We went and flagged him down and asked him to come to the church, which he did. He was willing to set a baptismal date and another time to meet. Unfortunately, he doesn't live in our area. However, the miracle doesn't stop there! We went to see a less active, which was what we were going to do before we met with the other man, Brother Hong. When we went to meet Brother Chen, it just so happened that he pulled up right as we did. The Lord set it all up so that we could teach everyone we needed to and did it in a way that I could not mistake that it was by His Almighty Hand. I am so grateful of that.

I love you all!
Elder Siebert

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Out to Range

Hey everyone, time is short this week so there'll be a little less.

This week I saw an amazing miracle on the street, contacting. We were making some calls at a familymart and I was contacting on the street and pretty much getting rejected by everyone. I turned around and was looking for people when I saw these two guys who had been sitting at a table, talking and smoking for a while. I didn't want to talk to them because in my experience, when you talk to people like that they just kinda turn you down when you look at them. Well, I kept feeling like I just needed to talk to them so I went over, introduced myself and pulled up a chair. We started talking about the gospel and they were raptured. We prayed together and they felt the spirit so strong. They were both going on about how different and amazing it felt. They wanted to pray themselves and learn more. It was a huge miracle to me that they were able to listen to the gospel and it was able to bless their lives. They are now meeting with us regularly!

Time's up!
Elder Siebert

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hot as tarnation!

Hey everyone!
Well, as you all probably know, I have moved from my promised land of Danshui into the new lands of Xin1Zhu2. It's a lot flatter here, which gives the legs and booty a little bit of a rest, (though I will be sad to part with the Danshui tush), but it is huge. Just to get to the chapel we have to ride for a good twenty minutes. I am not used to actually being on my bike for this long at a time. It's a little different. A lot of the roads lack a lot of people to contact as well. It's a bit sad. However, despite all of that, we have seen amazing success this week contacting on the street.

Food Review: Banana Pancakes. Well, there's a Costco in my area I guess and so my companion has this massive bag of pancake mix. We have pancakes all the time. However, we were given two bananas the other day so I decided to mix it up. Literally. I figured that I wanted to know what all the craze was about, I mean, Jack Johnson even wrote a song about them right? Anyway, the end result was delicious. We made them again this morning too. I would definitely give them five banana bing3's out of five. (man, that's major cheating on the alliteration. I'm just not as talented as Mark)

Well, the success with banana pancakes led me to do something even crazier which was....GUAVA PANCAKES! These were actually not half bad. The problem was, no matter how long you cooked them, they still remained a little doughy. I prefer the banana ones. 3 for 5.

Finally, we found this store that was selling mangos really cheap so we went and got a couple and for the last couple days we have been having mango smoothies. It's the perfect way to cool off.

Well this week I saw an amazing miracle. We were just coming out of a lesson about to head home and have lunch when I had a feeling to talk to this one guy at a light. I started talking to him and he was amazing. He was so willing to listen and really wanted to learn. This has really been the story of the entire week. Everywhere I go, there are prepared people just waiting to talk. It's amazing. I know that the Lord will always put His prepared children in our paths, especially when we pray hard for them.

Elder Siebert

Monday, August 1, 2011

Moving Away

Hey everyone!
I am going to admit to you that i am a little sad to be leaving my promised land, but I am glad that there is going to be a new elder trained there by my wonderful companion Elder Visser. Apparently, we did so well that they are bringing another set of missionaries in the area. I am so excited to see Danshui in full glory!

Food this week was fairly dull, so not much to report.

As i prepared to leave this week, my ward members were all so sad. It was really sad to say goodby to them. There were several who were straight up crying as I bore my testimony. However, I am so glad that my people are doing well. We managed to get a massive amout of investigators to church, many of whom I think will certainly get baptized.

I am now in Xin1Zhu2. It is a little ways farther away than Danshui. It's about two hours from our office. I am pretty excited to be working here though. It's insanely hot, but the Lord always tries us before the miracle. I honestly can't say that i will miss the hills in danshui though, even if it means that my buns aren't going to look so good in a little while. Maybe I'll start doing squats to keep it up.

Hmmm....We had an amazing miracle this week in getting Sylvie, one of our investigators to church. She's been putting it off because she thinks that she'll cry if she comes to church and then she'll feel really embarassed. I told her that it'd be fine and that I was going to leave so she should come. So she did. She had a great experience and now we just need to keep her coming. We also got a couple of girls, Zheng and Fan, to come to church. THey are great, getting answers to prayers and have a huge desire to learn. The Lord has really blessed us with miracles.

I love you all! Thanks for all the letters and support!
Elder Siebert