Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Transfers come. I get cheated. I'm going to baptize Kyle!

Hey everyone!
The first action that I would like to take is one of rage. I got a letter from the office the other day that says that they are cheating me of three precious days on my mission. I am now returning on the 15th of December and not the 18th. It was a little bit of a suprise. It's because of the new move call method...what with having a crazy rowdy transfer meeting and all. 
Speaking of transfers, I am here still in SongShan and my new companion is Elder Zeng. He's a shortterm missionary who will be with me for the whole transfer unless something goes wrong. I am excited to work with him and get really good chinese and help people come unto Christ.
I'm sorry, I forgot most of the verbatim for the week, but I do remember a little bit.
(in front of all the youth and some of the leaders)
Zhuo2yue4 (who also did a short term mission with me): Hey Elder Pectorals. (in chinese)
Me: What did you call me?
Zhuoyue: Elder Pectorals. (to everyone else) Man, you should see his pectorals, he's so crazy. Every morning he would work out so hard and it's crazy they're... (cuts off because I grab him and force him into silence)
Me: Well this is awkward.
--from that moment on, all the young men always come over and like to hit my arm and chest and then exclaim that it's so gross. Sigh. There goes all my respect.
You don't want to stand there. The whole stair thing is just going to come flying down. Watch out.--Bishop, while teaching us how to use the water heater for the baptism.
Kyle is getting baptized this weekend! And he wants you to baptize him!--Elder Kaluhiokalani uttering the sweetest words I have heard in forever. I just screamed afterwards.
Oh my gosh, I just got called by Lil'Wayne!--after receiving a call by this one guy.
We aren't responsible for our faults anymore, it's all because of the bishop. The bishop will pay the price for us!--Brother Chen, a member at the choir activity.
Stop brainwashing me! I won't be able to teach people anymore. I will tell them that repentance is really easy because the bishop does it for us!--Me to Brother Chen because everytime someone hit a wrong note, he would tell me that it was all bishop's fault and we weren't responsible. So hilarious.
E tu brutus?--Me about Brother Yan getting me with shaving cream. I could only think it though because my mouth was full of cream.
Well this week was really great. I got to baptize someone for the sisters and next week the bishop wants me to confirm her. It's kind of cool that bishop loves me that much.
Oh, I got attacked for my b-day this week. I had hopped in the shower right after exercise and then Elder Cordon told me that the sisters and my investigator wanted to give me cake downstairs. I finished the shower in two minutes and ran downstairs really fast. They had a cake and candles and we sang and I lblew out the candles and then Sister Wu and Brother Yan both put a huge plate of shaving cream in my face. It was insane. I nearly suffocated. It was so funny. Sister Wu was laughing about it but then didn't realize that she was standing really close and that with all that cream, I could get her a good one. I totally wasted her. I also got Sister Cai. It was hilarious. Super memorable. I am so happy.
We had a really cool thing happen this week. We were meeting with brother Chen and Lu and then when we finished, their friend came over and they immediately took him into the shop and told him, "meet the elders, they can help you out." They then sat down and told us to start sharing. Turns out their friend is having a lot of questions and doubts in life and he really does need a ton of help right now in his life. It was so cool to see him just coming unto the Lord and it was all because of two of our investigators. Tis a testament of how one wants to share as they feel the atonement working in their life.
Well I love you all. I know that God's love is unconditional but mine isn't and I love those who write me more.
Elder Siebert

Monday, September 17, 2012

"Sticking it" for a solid olympic "10"

Hey everyone!
This week brought many miracles and good tasting indian foods
Indian Fried Noodles: This was really good. It was an indian curry with lamb (kinda a lamb masala) and then shrimp, veggies and cilantro. It was heavenly. The flavors where a perfect match. 5 curry concoctions out of 5.
Me: (over phone with a new member who always takes us out to eat) Elder Zou is to embarrassed to say it but he really wants to see you tommorrow.
Brother Zhang: Oh, so you mean that he wants to eat stuff?
Elder Zou: Oh man! (totally shamed)
You gotta do something for yourself, come to church get married.......shave!--Elder Cordon talking about Brother Zhang not really making much progress.
Some people are like, "I'm not married yet" and I just think " you're old enough to be my mom!"--Elder Cordon on how sisters here in the church never seem to be married.
An1An1: You should thank me because I got Zhuo2Yue4 to come today (zhuo2yue4 was my short term missionary companion)
Me: I was going to, then my back started hurting really bad, right under the shoulder blade! (this is in reference to the fact that there was a day I was just on the street at a light contacting and suddenly I felt a punch in the back and AnAn was standing there and she waved and said in a really low voice, "HEY" and then walked off. It was hysterical. It was even funnier because we were actually headed to her house to visit right then and she freaked out when she got there and we were there.)
No that's not dirty enough, make it look grungier!--GuanChen on making tiedye together.
I think that it's really funny. Elder Cordon seems to have learned many things from me which may not be good. He used to be so innocent but now he is a lot more sarcastic especially when the sisters tease him, he goes right back at it and they always tell me that I have corrupted him. I don't think so, I think that it's  pretty funny. I've totally helped him. Okay, I'll confess, maybe he's a little corrupted.
This week was a really cool week. We actually had a day where we were in the chapel teaching lessons for four hours straight. It was a really great experience. The spirit was so strong through the whole thing. We had the hugest miracle happen that day. There was a Brother Chen who just walked upstairs on his own--he'd never been contacted by us--and said that he wanted to learn about our church. It was so cool. I know that God really does lead His children to learn the gospel. It's either he will guide us to them or them to us. Brother Chen came to church this week and he has already felt the spirit answer his prayers. It was really cool because the prompting came to share Mosiah 4:9 with him and he loved that scripture. He prayed about it and I got an impression to ask him what he'd felt and said that he got an answer right then. I know that God loves His children and will allow for everyone to come into this gospel at the right time!
Elder Siebert

Monday, September 10, 2012

Going to the Rescue!

Hey everyone/body,
This week brings good verbatim!
Bro Zhou: Do you like chocolate?
Me: Yeah, It's my favorite.
Bro Zhou: Oh, there's a lot out there....you really like it? (this conversation was over the phone when he just called us out of the blue one day. So random.)
Katherine: (to daughter) Why are you being so shy Kelly? Is it because, honestly speaking, he's a really good looking guy?
Kelly: (nods) uh-huh.
Me: (Thinking in my mind) Well that's awkward.
After telling my companion about what just happened with Katherine and Kelly:
Elder Cordon: How old was she?
Me: Like, 12.
Elder Cordon: What's wrong with kids these days!?!
Oh, Elder Zhou needs to be careful. You'd better be prepared for when you go on exchange with him!--Elder Cordon
I mean, that's what we'll do when we're married.--I can't even remember when I said this.
Want some? (gestures with bag of bettle nut) It's taiwanese chewing gum.--Guy on the street
Wow, this is really cool! You did such a good job. Only problem is, it looks like it just molded.--Me commenting on GuanChen's tie-dye shirt. He's gonna make me one too. I am so stoked.
GET OUT!--GuanChen replying to my comments about his shirt.
Food Review: Acai ice-cream: This was really good. It's a little unique and it's got a good tart flavor that makes the ice cream really good on the mouth. It's a great way to indulge too because I was told that it boosts metabolism. I think that makes it an antidessert right? I think I would have liked it even more if I hadn't been BURSTING with food already. We dropped by a couple members earlier and they all insisted that we have a snack with them. I am going to get FAT! AHHHH! I have to watch my girlish figure. OH! Give me more acai ice-cream, its gotta help! 4.5 deceptive desserts out of 5.
Chocolate Caramel Cake: I made this for Wu Mama this week because she always has us over and I wanted to give back as well. It was actually okay despite the fact that for chocolate I used hot choco mix. It was hilarious. I was rather happy with the results. Some of the people really didn't like it but she and GuanChen really loved it, so that was the main reason for it. Mission accomplished. 3.5 out of 5.
We worked with a lot of less actives this week and that was really cool. Most of them were people that the bishop had given to us and we went and visited them and they are miraculous. For the most part, all the people that the Bishop gave us want to come back, they just don't know how. My favorite experience was with the Luo Family who own a shop in Nangang. We went and visited them without saying that we were there visiting first because that's what bishop said to do. They were willing to set up a time to meet with us. We went back at that time and their daughter was there as well. It was a great experience as we shared the restoration and they testified of how God has been caring and protective in their own lives. It was a great witness to them as they felt the spirit in their lives again and all recognized it. Sister Luo even cried when Brother Luo said a closing prayer for us--his first in many years. I am so grateful for working with the members more, especially the bishop. It has brought about so many miracles in this work.

This week I had a really cool miracle where I was calling people and I just set up a Brother Ye and he was willing to come and learn. He actually showed up and he's great. He really wants to learn about religion and is willing to do whatever to learn. We were able to share with him about the restoration and then at the end of the lesson, Wu mama asked him to come to church with us. He accepted. He showed up at church yesterday and we had a member,  Brother Chen who I have been working on fellowshipping take him around and I think that he had a great experience. He's just progressing well and it's such a miracle to me. I am so happy to be doing this work and want you all to know that it's true otherwise I would have failed long ago!
Elder Siebert

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Climbing Mountains

Hey everyone!
This week was a really good week, we got to go out and climb a huge mountain in the area with some members. It was a memorable experience. When we got to the top, I got one of the members, Guan4Chen2 to hop on my back and I carried him up the last little bit. It was actually kicking me in the booty to carry him up but it was really funny. While up on the top we just goofed around and did a ton of crazy stuff, it was such a good feeling going up there.

Elder Lew: Hey look at that bug!
Me: Wow, that's so cool!
Elder Lew: Yeah! Kill it.
Quick, give me my name tag back before everyone thinks that we have some sort of weird relationship!--me at zone conference when Sister Wu stole my name tag and put it on her blouse. She freaked out at me after I said that. So funny.
I'm going to have to be more attentive.--elder Cordon after I pulled the b-day surprise on him.
This week was my companion's b-day and I made secret arrangements so that we could get a big thing together with a lot of missionaries and surprise him to death. It was really funny because I pretended that I was going to go to the bathroom and then was in there and called everyone that I needed to. I then set up the rest of it that night and he didn't have any idea. I then set all the clocks in the house faster so that we could get up at normal time but get to the surprise place on time. It was so funny, I totally pulled the wool over his eyes and he was so stunned. Amazing!
I had a really cool miracle happen this week. I finished the book of mormon this week and i had the strongest feeling to go and pray about it so I did. I got the spiritual confirmation again that it is indeed true and wasn't really sure why I would need to know that this week but I just did it. While we were meeting with a Brother Huang who has been investigating for months and months, we invited him to read and pray about it and he told us he didn't get why he needed to pray about it. I then knew why I had to pray about it because as I shared about my experience THAT VERY MORNING, he was able to see why we need to pray about it even if we are long time members. It was such a cool experience and so spiritual and really testified to me that God knows all things. He is willing to pray about it and I think that this could be a turning point for him!
I love you all!
Elder Siebert