Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekly Report: Slammed Door, Splits, Less Active Members

Hey everyone!
This week was freezing! The terribly low temperature, coupled with humidity and biting wind make for a formidable opponent. Luckily, I stopped feeling anything below the neck years ago so it's no big deal.

I got my first major door slammed in my face this week. The guy was talking to us from a distance and we were starting a conversation when he decided he was done talking, walked up to the door and slammed it closed. Ouch.

Last week's report kind of threw off the regular swing of events. Normally I report on the previous week's P-day in this email, but since we emailed on Tuesday last week I have much less to talk about.

This week since we had a lot of appointments, we went on a lot of splits which is super easy to do because we have three missionaries. I went almost everytime with the member, so it was almost like I was the senior missionary in those cases. It was kinda scary. I found though that as long as I stayed humble and really listened to the spirit, everything worked out just fine.

We also went by a less-active member's place and checked up on him. Turns out he was moving to an unfinished recording studio the next day, so we offered to help him move and get things ready. The next morning we showed up at his place and moved a bunch of sound equipment and then headed to the studio. We spent several hours painting, doing spackle and sanding it down. It was really fun. I got masterful at the art of cutting in the corners with a brush; I didn't even need tape by the time we were done! It was a really great opportunity because two of Brother Dunkerley's non-member friends were there and they both seemed like they could be interested in the church. We hope to teach them because we see a lot of potential for them. Finally, Brother Dunkerley promised he'd get to church too, so mission accomplished!

Finally, we went to go see a less active family last night. They live in an apartment complex that has a locking front door to the complex that needs a combination even to get in. We hadn't been able to reach them but we felt we needed to see them. We said a prayer asking that we could get in. Finally we found that the back door that should've been locked was unlocked and we were able to see them. God really answers all prayers, no matter how small. Keep praying in faith everyone!
I love you all,
Elder Siebert

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weekly Report: Seeing the Sights, Rescuing Missionaries, Funny Sayings

Hey everyone!

This last week I was able to go to the center of Philadelphia. It was a fun ride on the subway. We went and saw all the places to see in Philly in a balistic blitz so that I could have seen it all if I go to Taiwan soon. I saw the Liberty Bell, Independence hall, the Reading Railroad terminal (pronouced red-ing), the Comcast tower and the world's largest TV, the Masonic Temple, City Hall, China Town, game piece park and St. Peter and Paul's Basilica. All of it was so beautiful and fun. We took lots of pictures which I will be getting to my parents soon hopefully.

This week I went to the King of Prussia Mall, one of the top ten largest retail malls in America. It was not bad for a mall I suppose. I am used to get all the looks in the mall because I am beautiful, but I think this time it was because I had a nametag in a wierd language. After the mall we went to an ice cream place called Zwahlens which was amazingly good ice cream made all the sweeter by the 50% off discount that missionaries get there. Delicious.
This week I want to do a slang word review, I think that if the support is large enough in favor it will become a regular part. This week is "that john" meaning that thing. Seriously, you can use john to signify any object or group of objects. I think it's pretty good. It makes me feel black.

We have a two sisters who we are teaching that will be baptized in two weeks. I am very excited because they are very prepared and very smart. Adey is 11 and Aley is 9. They have a great step-mom who helped us explain the law of chastity yesterday by saying, "this means you can't have any baby mommas alright?" I didn't think white women knew that word. Well, respectable ones at least.

Last night we got a call from President at 11:15 that we needed to go rescue Elders Thatcher and Reese because their apartment's carbon monoxide sensor was going off. We got to their place through the snow and back safely and took them home to our apartment. We got permission to sleep til eight thirty because we were back at twelve thirty. It was kinda crazy having five missionaries in one little apartment. We took them home this morning, but it was a fun little adventure in my life.

I think that's about all, remember to continue to pray for all things in faith because I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father answers all our prayers. Thanks for all the support!
Elder Siebert

PS So I have a little more time than I thought to write today. I don't know if I ever told you some of the funny things that have been said.
Crazy black man in the city, "Santa's got a gun!!! That's why it's called "X"-mas"
Elder Bessey, going to the bathroom with printer paper because at the time we were out of TP. Me and E. Bergloff were yelling to him to not do it, that we could go downstairs and use the lockerroom bathrooms. E. Bergloff, "Look what you're holding! Look at what you're holding!"
Elder Bergloff "I don't know why black people made a stink about the back of the bus, they always sit on it."
So funny.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Photos: The Office, Philadelphia Missionaries, Weird and Creepy

This is me with the office sign, where the office was made

Elder Cardwell and I

We decided to do a weird shot

Elder Bergloff on the left, yours truly in the middle, Elder Bessey on the right.

Actually, this one's from the MTC but it was so random, creepy and awesome that I wanted to include it. That's elder Greene.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekly Report: Changing Sports Allegiances, Bad Drivers, Investigators

Hey everyone!
First I want to say that I have decided that because I have served at least part of my mission here, that I am now a Phillies and an Eagles fan. Sorry, but you have to represent.

We had a pretty decent week here in Philly. It was cold as usual, but what's new? It always amazes me when it snows here. People seriously don't know what to do about it. I thought since it snows so much up here that they would be pros at handling it, but no! One lady was trying to sweep the snow off her driveway as we drove past and another was using a garden hoe. Bizarre! Also, people here are super lousy at driving in the snow. I mean, they're pretty bad at driving in general, (on Broad Street, they'll just park in the middle turn lane, turn on their hazards and leave), but the snow makes things even worse.

We had a zone conference this week, which was absolutely great! I learned so much!

We are so blessed to have a couple really solid investigators. There's Joe Bannano who is an older guy, but he is so willing to learn more about the gospel and has already read the entire BOM and most of the Bible. He's set to be baptized on February 6th. Another is Jamey who is an opair (nanny, and I think that's how you spell the word). She's from Scotland, has an amazing accent and also a great desire to learn. We actually fasted with her so that she could receive an answer and though she wasn't encircled by fire or anything super crazy like that, I feel like she grows closer to a spiritual confirmation daily. She's amazing, she has changed so much since we started with her and says now that when she feels like doing somethings that she used to do, she has distinct impressions not to do them because they aren't in line with keeping the commandments.

So I went on exchange with Elder Cardwell in Pennypack this Friday and Saturday. We went to go drop off a bible that someone had ordered online. He hadn't even received a pass-a-long card or anything, just looked up "free bible" online. We went and took it to him, trying to figure out what it was that we could say to get him to let us in and teach him. When we simply asked if we could come in and share a message with him he immediately said yes. We talked to him for a while, figuring out his background; he's a recent convert to Christianity but wasn't firmly entrenched in the belief that there was nothing wrong with his church. We started sharing the first lesson with him after getting comfortable with him. He asked really great questions and kept saying that everything made sense. When we talked about a modern day prophet, which is where a lot of people have problems, he understood really fast that it was only logical that because God doesn't change, he would work the same way as in the past and therefore call prophets to direct his church. We shared the first vision and finished the lesson and committed him to read and pray. He was so excited to do it. The spirit was just so strong throughout that lesson, I don't think it's ever been that strong when I've taught before. Jim, the man we were teaching, also asked us where the church was because he wanted to come and attend a service. He was so GOLDEN! I want to encourage all of you to rely on the spirit more in your day to day lives. He will guide you just as He guided Elder Cardwell and I as we taught Jim. I know that we were led to say certain things and were certainly let to Jim. Follow the spirit and you'll be surprised at what you are led to bring about.
Elder Siebert

Photos: More of the MTC

Obligatory matrix phot


Sisters next door

I know what you all wanted for christmas...ME!

Purple tie district. We are shuai4!

We're real asians

I was postively aflame with the spirit of christmas

Chen2 lao2shi1

Zhang1 lao2shi1

That's right, my hair is so parted it's not even funny

Monday, January 3, 2011

Weekly Report: Birth, Steaks, First Missionary Experiences

Hey everyone!

This marks the first week out of the MTC and into the real world for me. I have been officially born! Tuesday morning at 3 AM I went to the travel office in the MTC and departed to the airport. A transfer later I was in Philadelphia being picked up by my President, President Shaeffermeyer. We spent the first night in Philly at the Mission Home. They got us legitimate Philly Cheesesteaks for our first meal here. Seriously, I had never tasted a cheesesteak that good. We got introduced to the mission by the APs and then we had interviews with the president, followed shortly by going to sleep. The beds at the mission home were so much better than the MTC, I think that may have been the best night's sleep since leaving home.

The next morning we got up and had breakfast with President Shaeffermeyer and his wife. We got a lesson from the president and then we got to meet our trainers. My trainer is actually also a zone leader. His name is Elder Bergloff and his companion is Elder Bessey. It's great having the two ZLs as my starting companions because they are amazing at the work. Elder Bessey is hilarious in a strange kooky way. Elder Bergloff is pretty funny sometimes, but mostly he accidently says really, really gay things. Elder Bessey explained this to me yesterday by saying "at first when you're on your mission, the hot girls are attractive, then later the so-so girls become attractive, then all girls become attractive, and pretty soon, even your companion is attractive."

The first night in the area I found a Chinese lady on the street. E. Bergloff tried to contact her and she started speaking cantonese. I immediately asked if she spoke mandarin and struck up a conversation with her. I gave her the first lesson and our number and my name and everything. Unfortunately, she wouldn't straight up make a time that I could meet with her, so I have to hope that what I gave her will be enough.

We've been doing really well though. We have expanded our teaching pool a lot and we had four investigators come to church this week. There were these two investigators from Cuba who came this week whom we havne't actually taught a lesson to yet. We contacted them and then talked to them a bit and they asked to come to church. We were really excited and we gave them the address and had some spanish speaking members pick them up. Nelson, the man, has already committed to come next week as well. We have an appointment to go and teach Nelson and Niurka tomorrow night. I am so excited! They seemed really happy at church and I hope that they will continue to be interested.

It's been super great here on the East coast and I am loving the work. We've seen a lot of miracles happen lately, nothing really big, but just small miracles in finding people who are receptive. Last night we found this lady, Shanique, who I actually contacted the first day here. We helped her move some stuff into her house and left our number and some literature. (As an aside, she told me I was gorgeous the first night out). I am really excited for our investigators who have dates set and really glad as I have been able to grow so much.

I love you all,
Elder Siebert