Monday, October 29, 2012

Brother Lu's Baptism

Hey everyone!
Food: Banana Pie: I made this the other day because we had it somewhere with Wu Mama and I thought that it would be the perfect treat here because it's cheep to make and easy to get the stuff for. I got the pie crust down this week over many attempts and I have found that I can make a pie in just fifteen minutes and that includes baking it in my tiny little toaster oven. The flavor is just amazing. With cinnamon and sugar, the bananas are succulent and soft with the crisp, flaky crust underneath. It's a refreshing dessert that leaves you feeling not too heavy afterwards. I brought two over to Wu Mama's last night for dinner and everyone wants to learn how to make it and also raved about my pie. That's a cook's greatest joy. Wu Mama said that it's much better than the one that we ate at the restaurant. Brother Lu says that he wants to learn it and then he's going to sell it at his restaurant as "Elder Siebert Banana Pie". I will finally be on a menu! 5 banana bonanzas out of 5.
Bitter gourd: I ate this a long time back but forgot to review it. Terrible. It's what the name suggests: really stinking bitter gourd. So nasty. It's stomachable but it's just painful. If you're going to eat, eat well. 0.1 bitter belly-grumblings out of 5.
While playing "what if" for english class:
Q: What if Toku invited you to play golf with him?
A: Then I would take my clothes off.
Toku: That's the right answer!
(The answer was originally to the question "What if you were superman?" This was a shockingly dirty turn of events)
Me: I pooped a little.
Elder Reynolds: I haven't been able to poop, that's how nervous I have been!--Me conversing about the huge change in events, namely the assistants calling way too early and personally announcing who's going to move.
Wendy: How are you going to make that work?
Me: Tape. Tape fixes everything.
Wendy: *Snorts in derision* It does not. *Starts laughing at me*
Me: (tears a piece of tape off and then quickly puts it over Wendy's mouth as seen in picture 1500) See?! Fixes everything!
So when are you going to learn from your dad and come back to Taiwan and find yourself a wife?--Brother Lin. He's just like this. I try to get my companion to call him because I don't know what to say to him. I just ignore what he says. 
Brother Lu: (bearing testimony) And I really started to feel the spirit...yeah, it's just like that. 
Me: (mouthing) In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. (I totally thought he was done)
Brother Lu: I'm not done yet! Don't be so rushed!
Me: (Hides behind my hymn book, everyone laughs)
This week was a really good one. We had one of our great investigators who has been transforming so much lately get baptized. Brother Lu was so ready to go and he's just awesome. I went and got tons of people to promise to come and we had a great turnout, probably 40-50 people. It was such a great way to welcome him into the ward. President Day came over and attended too. It was a really spiritual experience and everyone was so happy. We are also looking to have two more brethren baptized this Tuesday. The ward is so stoked. I am so happy. We are having a lot of success. 
A really cool miracle that happened this week was actually kind of from last week. I was contacting people for english and I had this feeling about this guy that was walking pretty fast away from me. I chased him down. I handed him a english flyer but really just wanted to talk to him. As I talked with him I just had a feeling that he was really good. I set him up to meet with us and when we met he was really good. He's really buddhist but he's super open to the message. I think that it's definitely because of our faith and the fact that we set a goal to have a new investigator and the Lord just put him right there. So cool.
Love you all,
Elder Siebert

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's going to be a wet Sunday!

Hey everyone!
His heart is black--Sister Liu at District Meeting on Elder Zou stealing her scripture story that she was going to share.

Brother Skanky? Maybe they're mispronoucing it, but I'm gonna giggle anyway.--Me at stake conference on callings and sustainings.
Mexican? Native American?............Paris?--Sister Ochoa trying to guess the other half of my heritage.
Sister Taylor: No! I can't give you.....this heart. (referring to a heart shaped pastry thingy)
Me: You were totally going to say "my heart" huh?
Sister Taylor: How'd you know?!? And yeah, I was but there are too many other missionaries here.
Me: So can I have it?
Sister Taylor: It's not all about you! You can't just ask for it.
Me: Sorry, It's been a long time on the mission, I've forgotten how to get it myself. All I know how to do now is to ask "direct questions"....So can I have it?
Sister Taylor:Fine, you can....have my heart.
Both: *Laugh*
Maybe we missionaries love everyone, but I still have Sister Taylor's heart--Me later on in the district meeting.
Well this week I also have food report:
Sea Cucumber: It's really completely tasteless. I mean, it's like eating really chewy gelatin that has no flavor. Honestly, I think I'll stick to my jello because it's cheaper and has more flavor. This thing was a total let down. I was expecting really good or really gross but it just yielded a complete zero on the oral satisfaction scale. The only thing that was really good was the texture. No taste. 1 tasteless thing-a-ma-bobs out of 5.
This week was really cool. We should be having two baptisms this Sunday night and we are so stoked. Brother Lu and Brother Yan both passed with flying colors and they are happy to be getting baptized this week!
This week I saw a really great miracle while finding. We were going along to this street to go tracting. I had a feeling to pray so we did. As we were then riding, I had a strong feeling to go down this back alley. We went down there and I had a really strong feeling about this one stack of houses. I grabbed the Family Proclamation and we started tracting. We told the third floor that we had this family proclamation that would protect their family. They let us up right away. When we got up there they asked if they were supposed to read this thing while they prayed and we told them that they can just pray. They told us that their grandma was in the hospital and not doing well and they really wanted to pray for her and didn't know how. We taught them how to pray and they prayed so beautifully and sincerely. It was a really amazing experience where we were prompted in where to go and what to use to find Heavenly Father's children. He really led us to a family that night because we prayed and listened to what He wanted.
I know that if we will hearken to God's will, we will receive His blessings.

Elder Siebert

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Lord Makes Up the Difference

Hey Everyone!
Whoa! Your hair!--Godric from Danshui, upon seeing me at conference. My hair is asian style right now.
Oh, Elder Siebert, you let your hair get a little longer...I almost didn't recognize you.--Sister Zhuang from Xindian
You are really good at styling your hair, does it take a long time?--One of the young men
I'M GOING TO SHAVE ALL MY HAIR OFF TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!--me, sick of the hair comments
(quietly) Wendy Zeng: I like the hair
Me: You make me sick. AHHHHH!
Yeah, I forgot to write down the rest. I know that there was tons of good stuff though. We had dinner at the bishop's last night and the sisters went too and it was super funny because Sister Wu kept saying stuff that was super direct and semi-offensive but she doesn't mean it to be but me and bishop just teased her and so did bishop's wife. It was so funny. She kept going and trying to make it right which just made it worse. Yeah, hilarious.
This week I saw a cool miracle going out the door. I talked to someone at the light right by our house and had a prompting to tell him about the living prophet and conference. I asked if he believed in God and he said yes and then I asked him to pull over which he did. He stepped off his scooter immediately and took his helmet off and stood there waiting for us to share more. It was so cool. We shared and then invited him to Conference and he accepted. He really showed up and really liked it saying that we can definitely share more about the church with him in the future. It was such a miracle to me to see this random person be so prepared to receive the gospel. I pray that he can go the distance and I am faithful that he will. I know that God knows His children. They are all valuable to Him. Even when we feel like we are not, He is preparing ways for us to receive His happiness if we will only open our eyes and hearts to receive those blessings.
Elder Siebert

Monday, October 8, 2012

A Good Week

Hey Everyone!
Me: I've decided, I am never marrying.
Elder Zeng: then how are you ever going to save a devil? (He calls girls devils)

Elder Zeng: What would you do if someone told you that you were really compatible with sister Wu?
Me: I would kill them
Elder Zeng: Good thing I didn't say it. But seriously, think about it, you'd grow so much because we always grow through trials.
OOOOH! Sister Wu wants you to protect her! Protection is like a committment!
Me: You're going to need to be protected in a sec.

Me: Sister Chen is a saint. I love her.
Elder Zeng: Chen2Yi4Han2?
Me: (attack him in fake fury)
Well this week we got up super early to climb up a mountain to watch the sunrise. It was really fun. My camera can't take pictures of that stuff super well.
We also had an awesome barbeque this week and it was a really fun time. We were super crazy and I think that I almost killed my zone leader because I was stuffing a sandwich in his mouth. You'll have to see the video when I get back. It's kinda long. He nearly suffocated I think.
Well this week we had a really cool miracle happen. I had a feeling to go and knock on the 373rd lane of this one road and on the way over I ran into this kid on his bike who was willing to talk. We sat down in the park right there and shared a lesson with him. He really pondered and liked the message. The coolest part was when I asked for his address, guess where he lived! On the 373rd Lane of that road. We were way far from that lane, but the Lord delivered!
Elder Siebert

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Kyle got BAPTIZED!

Hey everyone,
This week was a really good one for verbatim,
You have to teach us! We also want to work out our butts.--Sister Cai on P-day (the whole story was that Sister Liao asked what I was even going to the gym to work on anymore because the people over here are really easily satisfied as far as musculature goes. I sarcastically told them that I was working on my rear-end and they then said this. Super funny and awkward. Definite culture difference. I nearly peed.)
Actually, I don't think that's it. Girls don't need a reason to be mad.--Elder Zeng on why Sister Wu was mad at me.
I dunno, we'd have a really 'weird' relationship if our communication was any better--Elder Zeng in Companioship Inventory
Me: Oh MAN! Today my traps are so....
Elder Zeng: Happy?
You may think that Elder Siebert going to the gym everyday and crushing himself with 200KG on a bar is really meaningless, but it's just like our spirituality, you have to work really hard on it and you'll have a really strong unbeatable spirit.--Kyle in his baptismal service testimony. He kept referring to this analogy and then me and how I work out tons and also said that "I just want to work up to be like Elder Siebert." Afterwards everyone came and wanted to feel my arms. Haha. Another awkward moment.
And one year from now, we are going to be going to the temple to have a Celestial marriage. We are excited to have a family in the gospel and the Celestial Kingdom is our goal.--Sister Liu (Marcel, Kyle's new wife) at the baptismal service. (I nearly died of happiness)
I never thought that Justin Beiber could get stuck in my head like this.--Me

You're going to marry a devil.--Elder Zeng on me marrying someone really pretty. He calles them "Mo2gui3"s or devils.
Well that Water Cow ate a quarter of the rice field. Now this story doesn't have anything to do with the topic I am speaking on, I just wanted to make you laugh.--Bishop in our combined 3rd hour class.
It's okay, it's not like Chen2 Yi4 Han2 is here.--Elder Zeng remarking on my helmet hair. He's referring to a Chinese movie star/model. So funny. There are a lot of Chen2 Yi4 Han2 jokes that go down. I mostly tell him that she keeps trying to court me but I just tell her that I don't have time right now.
Well this week had a really cool miracle happen. We were teaching one of our investigators, Sister Guo. I had a prompting earlier to look up a ton of scriptures about the resurrection because she had a lot of questions about it. She looked them all up and really like it. She asked us if it's really true as we shared with her and how she could learn that it was true for herself. It was really cool because we had been talking about how to help her to get a testimony of the BOM and get her more interested in it. She was really attentive and as we shared, the spirit was so strong. She commited to daily prayer and study. She was really committed too. We then had the feeling to extend the baptismal invitation and it was really special. I had been praying about the date and at first I had thought about the eleventh of November, but as I prayed the date, October 28th came to mind and I new that was the right date because of the feelings of the spirit. We extended the date and she accepted. It was so exciting. I was blown away by how strong the spirit was there and how God made it all happen just through a simple sheet of scriptures and notes.
I know that this work is truly the work of the Lord. I love you all,
Elder Siebert