Monday, October 29, 2012

Brother Lu's Baptism

Hey everyone!
Food: Banana Pie: I made this the other day because we had it somewhere with Wu Mama and I thought that it would be the perfect treat here because it's cheep to make and easy to get the stuff for. I got the pie crust down this week over many attempts and I have found that I can make a pie in just fifteen minutes and that includes baking it in my tiny little toaster oven. The flavor is just amazing. With cinnamon and sugar, the bananas are succulent and soft with the crisp, flaky crust underneath. It's a refreshing dessert that leaves you feeling not too heavy afterwards. I brought two over to Wu Mama's last night for dinner and everyone wants to learn how to make it and also raved about my pie. That's a cook's greatest joy. Wu Mama said that it's much better than the one that we ate at the restaurant. Brother Lu says that he wants to learn it and then he's going to sell it at his restaurant as "Elder Siebert Banana Pie". I will finally be on a menu! 5 banana bonanzas out of 5.
Bitter gourd: I ate this a long time back but forgot to review it. Terrible. It's what the name suggests: really stinking bitter gourd. So nasty. It's stomachable but it's just painful. If you're going to eat, eat well. 0.1 bitter belly-grumblings out of 5.
While playing "what if" for english class:
Q: What if Toku invited you to play golf with him?
A: Then I would take my clothes off.
Toku: That's the right answer!
(The answer was originally to the question "What if you were superman?" This was a shockingly dirty turn of events)
Me: I pooped a little.
Elder Reynolds: I haven't been able to poop, that's how nervous I have been!--Me conversing about the huge change in events, namely the assistants calling way too early and personally announcing who's going to move.
Wendy: How are you going to make that work?
Me: Tape. Tape fixes everything.
Wendy: *Snorts in derision* It does not. *Starts laughing at me*
Me: (tears a piece of tape off and then quickly puts it over Wendy's mouth as seen in picture 1500) See?! Fixes everything!
So when are you going to learn from your dad and come back to Taiwan and find yourself a wife?--Brother Lin. He's just like this. I try to get my companion to call him because I don't know what to say to him. I just ignore what he says. 
Brother Lu: (bearing testimony) And I really started to feel the spirit...yeah, it's just like that. 
Me: (mouthing) In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. (I totally thought he was done)
Brother Lu: I'm not done yet! Don't be so rushed!
Me: (Hides behind my hymn book, everyone laughs)
This week was a really good one. We had one of our great investigators who has been transforming so much lately get baptized. Brother Lu was so ready to go and he's just awesome. I went and got tons of people to promise to come and we had a great turnout, probably 40-50 people. It was such a great way to welcome him into the ward. President Day came over and attended too. It was a really spiritual experience and everyone was so happy. We are also looking to have two more brethren baptized this Tuesday. The ward is so stoked. I am so happy. We are having a lot of success. 
A really cool miracle that happened this week was actually kind of from last week. I was contacting people for english and I had this feeling about this guy that was walking pretty fast away from me. I chased him down. I handed him a english flyer but really just wanted to talk to him. As I talked with him I just had a feeling that he was really good. I set him up to meet with us and when we met he was really good. He's really buddhist but he's super open to the message. I think that it's definitely because of our faith and the fact that we set a goal to have a new investigator and the Lord just put him right there. So cool.
Love you all,
Elder Siebert

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