Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Star Power in Taipei

Hey everyone!
This week brought with it more heat, but it has been mostly bearable throughout. We were blessed to be able to hear from both Ray E. Jensen of the Presidency of the Seventy in mission conference and also Elder Bednar in our stake conference. It was an amazing experience. Those men have some serious spiritual power.

The Chinese has been getting better and better recently. I translate for my companion sometimes. Someday, my chinese might just get as good as my older brother's, but I am not gonna hold my breath on that one.

We found out that there are many things in Taiwan that you can't eat right now. Obviously fish right now will probably cause your belly button to grow an arm, but also included are many sorts of drinks that you might buy at the store. Basically the only think that I am sure is safe is water. (All female readers should just skip to the next paragraph here). This includes stuff that you put in shaved ice. I found out the jellies that I like are suspected to actually make your down unders shrink. One of our new members told me when he saw me eating them. I asked him what I should do then, he told me that he could eat them because "he had nothing to worry about because he had surplus." I nearly died. Hee hee.

This week we were supposed to have an investigator do his baptismal interview but he got sick so he couldn't. It was a bit of bummer. He's really good though. When I ran an intense mock interview on him, he answered everything and all of my deep follow up questions. He even answered some questions that I thought of before I even asked them. It was amazing how well the Lord prepared him to receive the gospel. We were simply in the right place at the right time to happen to run into him and talk to him. I honestly thought that he looked too young and almost passed him up, but Elder Chiu started talking to him and look what happened! The Lord will always work miracles!

I love you all!
Elder Siebert

P.S. Grandma Honey, thanks for all the mail! Also, thanks to everyone else who faithful writes me. For all who don't, well, that's what repenting is for.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Getting Close to Dunk Time

Hey everyone!
Sorry today is going to be a shorter email because time is running low. It has been HOT this week. The temperature is about hot enough to cook you like an oven, or maybe a steamer because it is so humid.

This week brought with it the first time that I have had Chua4Bing1 on the island. It is like the best shaved ice of your life. It's really shaved, so it's not all chunky and nasty. They put a brown sugar sauce on it and also condensed milk because I request it. Then, they put five sorts (especially for me) of these little chuabing liao4s. I don't know what to describe them as, but they are like those massive tapioca pearls and stuff. So good. I am going to be subsisting on these more and more.

This week we were able to work with Chuan Ren a lot. He is eighteen and really excited to be baptized. He wants to go on a mission and thinks that it would be so cool. He goes up for the interview this week, so let's keep our fingers crossed!

This week I also saw a really cool miracle with finding. I was talking to this one lady on the side of the street for nearly thirty minutes and she wouldn't commit to setting up a time. Finally, she said that she didn't know how to tell which church was true. I assured her that we would help her know and that if we could, would she be willing to meet. She said yes. I was praying so hard for her to set up with us. I know that the Lord helped to soften her heart and help her say what her concern was. I love this work! I love all of you!
Elder Siebert

Monday, May 16, 2011

New companions and investigators

Hey everyone!
This week I got a new companion: Elder Carlson. He is going to die very soon, like, in five weeks. I feel like such a murdering lunatic because it's me that's going to kill him. He's great and really hard working. We have been working pretty much every second of every day and been seeing a lot of success and have huge hopes of Danshui. It's also really funny because he does this impression of one of our investigators who's got it going for me and has a lisp. He's always saying, "ah! Shi Zhanglao" in the lisp. It's terrifying. But really funny. He also plays guitar, so we have a great time playing songs together at home because I have a guitar that a member let my borrow.

This week I had something called Di4yu4 la1mian4. Literally translated that's "The pulled noodles from Hell." I had them with Da4 La4 (big spicy) and realized they weren't kidding. These noodles were scorchingly spicy. Seriously. They were so good though! Definitely one of the better things that I have had on the island. I give them 5 hellishly hot somethings out of 5. This week we also made some crazy sunday lunch with macaroni, this chinese milk flavored soup, little dough blobs, eggs and cheese powder. It was really not bad. I enjoyed it. That gets 3 crazy concoctions out of 5. Finally, I had some Passionfruit chua1bing1 with vanilla ice cream on top. The perfect way to cool down on the infernally hot days up here. 4 passionate pleasantries out of 5.

This week we have been working a lot with a new investigator who is absolutely golden. His name is Chen Chuan2Ren2 (chuan2bo1 de Chuan2 and ren2ai4 de ren2). He loves meeting with us and is keeping all the invites that we give to him. The other day, we ate at his family's firepot shop and it was amazing. Apparently, though his parents have no interest, they think that we are great and told us we can come back as often as we want to eat with them. I forgot about their shop in my food review, I would have to give it a 5 for sure because their Ma2la4 guo1 was amazing! Chuan2Ren2 should be moving steadily towards getting baptized on the 4th of june, but maybe a little sooner if he wants.

Finally, we also saw a huge miracle this week with a lady that we contacted on the street.
We were contacting all these people and I saw this one lady who was going to go into her apartment complex really fast. I shouted out, holding my book of mormon, "Can I introduce this book to you?" She stopped and said "Yeah!" I talked to her for at least twenty minutes on the side of the road, talking about prophets, the restoration and priesthood authority. She is Presbyterian and she was INTRIGUED at the idea of prophets and restoration. I asked if we could come by some other day and see her and her husband. She told me that she'd have to tell me later because she wasn't sure that her husband would be okay. I said that it was fine and that I would call her that night, then she asked, "well, do you have time to come up right now and talk to him?" I was so shocked and said yes. We went up and talked to the husband who is a French man, he wasn't as receptive, but the miracle was huge. She wants to learn more. It was a great answer to prayers.

Well, that's all from me. Big shoutout to Kyler who I hear is home and even taller now. Love you!
Elder Siebert

Monday, May 9, 2011

They Say Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder, but I Think Staying in Danshui Makes Me Pretty Fond of It

Hey everyone!
This week brought with it more sweat than I think the average person sweats in about a year outside of Taiwan. I go out the door in the morning and within minutes, I am sweating all over the place. It's pretty brutal. I have to wonder how some of the natives here survive. IT'S SO HOT! The heat brings gratitude though. When I get home and get to turn on my AC and all my fans, that is bliss eternal. Also, my ice showers feel really good. I will literally be so hot that the water will feel warm as I wash out my hair and such. We pretty much keep the apartment as near to a refrigerator as we can. It's so nice.

For this week, I didn't really try much new. I did have a really great drink that's called hei1tan2 niu2nai3. Basically it's milk with black sugar mixed in, with grass jelly tea (which is basically an herbal tea) and those big huge tapioca pearls. Served cold, it is the best thing in the world to cool down with. I give it 5 milky majesties out of 5. I also had some dessert tofu this week. It's an almond flavored tofu with sweet red beans which you put on top and then you top the whole thing in sweet almond milk. It is literally the greatest dessert ever. I would have to give that one 5 out of 5 tofu top-offs.

We saw a lot of miracles with finding people this week. We were able to find four SOLID new investigators and I have a lot of hope for the area and the work. I will likely be here for at least two more transfers because my next companion will be dying after this transfer, so I should just get a new companion and stay here. I am so excited.

This week, we had the baptism of our recent convert, Zheng4 jie2mei4's daughter, Da3Lei3. She was so excited for it. She picked me to baptize her and I thought it was really cool. I have grown to love their family so, so much. I look at DaLei as pretty much a little baby sister. She was really afraid of the water when we went in to get baptized, so the first try was unsuccessful. She was a little freaked out, so we talked to her for a little bit and then tried again, which was also unsuccessful. Elder Benson told me to pray with her, so I quietly asked her if we could pray together in the font and she said yes. We both folded our arms and then I started to pray. I asked for her to have courage and that it would be successful so she could have the great experience that she needed. It was amazing that in the course of praying, everyone went quiet. Whereas it was noisy when I started praying, by the time we said amen, everyone was completely quiet. After the prayer, her mom told her to just trust me, and Nina told her how strong I was and how I would surely pull her out. I said the prayer, told her to breathe in, stepped on her feet and baptized her and it was successful. It was an amazing experience. I felt like I was on fire with the spirit all night long. My face hurt from how long and big I had been smiling, but I couldn't stop.

I thank you all for your prayers on my behalf and all the support. It has been a miraculous time so far and there's plenty left!
Elder Siebert

Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekly Report: I am soaked all the time. Is it the baptismal waters or the sweat that's causing it?

Hey everyone!
This week, summer struck Taiwan. Hello super humid, hot days. Hello to sweating twenty four seven, especially when biking up and down all the hills in Danshui. It's pretty nasty how sweaty I am all the time. I hope that i adjust to it soon, because it is killing me right now.

We had another baptism this week! Well, actually two. The first was Godric or Chen2 Ding1Jie2 and the other one was a little 12 girl, Chen2 Jie2Yi2. They are actually not related to one another, anyone who wants to know, just ask my mom how many chen's there are in Taiwan. There are tons. Anyway, the baptisms went well. Elder Benson did both of them and they both needed two goes a piece. I joked with him afterwards that it was because he actually wanted to have four baptisms that day. It was a really great day.

As far as food goes, I am not sure that I ate anything knew this week. It was all pretty normal and boring.
This week we were a little hard pressed to find people. We spent a good chunk of our time going out and finding but the results aren't around to back up our efforts. Basically, we have a bunch of people set up for this week though, so with luck that means that we'll be having a lot of new investigators this week.
I did see one really big miracle this week. We were tracting in this area where we had planned to be and had also planned to find someone in the area. That was the goal. We prayed about it and then I knocked on doors while my companion made calls. After a bunch of nothing, we were about to go home for the night when this guy and his girlfriend walked out of this house and made for their scooter. I walked over and started talking to them. The guy, Gary, was interested but had no time. I got his number and gave him some basic information on the gospel and the church. Later throughout the week, I kept calling him, trying to set up a meeting time. Basically I never got a hold of him. I called on Saturday and prayed mid-ring that i Could reach him. He picked up when I said amen. I asked him to come to church and he agreed. I was afraid when he hadn't showed at 8:58 the next morning, so I called again and turns out he was just waiting outside the gate. When he came in, he was very intent and was raptured by the scriptures I gave him to read about the sacrament and such. He doesn't have a lot of time to meet because he's really busy, but after sharing some more with him, he's willing to come early next week so we can meet with him. That's one thing that i have been doing this week, asking like they are already going to do something. For instance, I asked him if he could just come earlier next week when he comes to church. I think that it's been pretty awesome. I feel like there are blessings in not being afraid to be bold. He said he would come early. Anyway, the point I was making is that when we tell God what our goals are, he will make them happen. It might not be when we think that it should happen; for instance, I wanted the new investigator the night I talked to him first, but it came at the end of the week instead. It's awesome. Miracles happen. God's real and He listens. Trust and love him and you'll see great things as well.

I love you all so much! Everyone give my mom a big huge hug for Mother's Day! She's the best mother in the whole wide world!
Elder Siebert