Monday, March 7, 2011

Weekly Report: March Miracle-ness

Hey everyone!
This week was an amazing week filled with miracles, but I guess that's pretty much every week. I just want to tell everyone right now though that you can notice all sorts of miracles in your life as long as you take a moment to look for them. I think that a lot of the time they are happening right under our noses and we are too busy being preoccupied with something else to notice. My challenge is not to take them for granted, but every night in your prayers, try to express gratitude for a least one miracle that you saw that day, no matter how small it is.

Food Critique: Zha2 Jiang4. This stuff is like, fermented soybean paste. My companion wanted to know if it would be good on toast, so he smeared a little on. He kept going on about how good it was so I ended up trying a little bit too and then fell in love with it. It is a wonderful, super cheap, flavor adding addition to toast. I give it 4 tantalized, toasty tastebuds out of 5.
This week, I also used the Zha2 Jiang4 to make the real sauce stuff that you put on noodles with ground pork and all that wonderful jazz for this week's Sunday dinner. I have to say, that I made a pretty delicious meal. No joke.

This week we saw an awesome miracle with one of our investigators, a Liu2 dx. He's super awesome and is planning on getting baptized on the 26th of March. We planned on talking to him about the nature of God and then watching Finding Happiness and the Restoration DVD comibined. We then started talking to him about it afterwards and he told us that he wished there was a way that he could really know that what we were sharing was true. He was ready to just believe it and that was it. We let him know that through the Spirit, we could know for sure, without a single doubt that what we had shared was true. We related DC 9:8-9 to him and asked him to first decide, then pray about it. I felt very blessed because if we hadn't felt the inspiration to show him that DVD and talk about what we had, i don't know that we would have encountered his question. I am so glad that we prayed to know how to help him and then were able to. We also saw a cool miracle because we needed to meet with one of our investigators but our male member had canceled just before. We wouldn't have been able to meet with our investigator because she's female, so we prayed that we could have it work out and started calling like crazy. We couldn't find anyone to help. We went to the church anyway, mostly hoping someone would be able to do it, and then to tell her we had to reschedule if we couldn't get anyone. We got there and she was late arriving and no one could help us. I looked through my planner at the day's plan because I was trying to think of what lessons would still work out. Then, as I was looking at it, I had the feeling to call another investigator, Tang1 dx and ask him to come earlier and to have him be there for the lesson and then tell him that we would have our lesson with him right after, earlier than scheduled. We got a hold of him and sure enough, he was able to come. Me and Elder Benson were eccstatic. It was an amazing experience. I feel really blessed to always have such a wonderful Father in Heaven who is always ready to bless me.

Well folks, I think that's about it for the week, since it was so short. Oh! I found out that we have an approved movie list here in Taipei, so I guess for today we are going to be watching Toy Story 3. I am so excited.
Elder Siebert

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