Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekly Report: Spring Cleaning

Hey everyone!
This week was great. I want you all to know that we weathered the massive, 100cm tsunami here in Taiwan and that we are just fine, though all our members thought we were crazy to be going out that night.

The food for this week was not too interesting. I did make my own curry though, which was the best that I have had here on the island. My companion gives it two thumbs up too, especially since it's really cheap that way. I would have to give it a nice 4 cheap curry concoctions out of 5.

We had a lot of time that we had to spend organizing all of our info this week. I kept thinking of people through the week that we needed to call, so we overhauled our whiteboard with a sharpie and made a grid to keep track of everyone. It's pretty amazing. Since our board is so big, we even have areas to put in which lessons they have heard so we know all this stuff at a glance. I also have been going hardcore on the records this week and have finally completely caught the area book up. That thing is beautiful now and has sooooo much in it. Sorry to toot my own horn.

This week we had a seventy come to our mission and give us training. Guess who got called a few days before and got told that he was going to have an interview with Elder Perkins? Yup. Me. I was so nervous, but the interview was great. I was able to ask him questions I had about the work and talk to him about being a missionary and get some great training. Best of all, I got a hug afterwards. I felt so holy, having hugged a seventy.

We had some amazing lessons this week. There is one of our investigators, Guo1 You3 Ting5 who has been really struggling because she's been hearing stuff that she believes is true from this devil church, Yi1Guang1Dao4. They are seriously the epitome of the devil's church. Anyway, we had an amazing lesson with her where we were able to help her feel the spirit and stressed the importance of using prayer to spiritually confirm the truth of everything. It was amazing!

I have also been introduced to the fail proof way to feel the spirit. Elder Perkins shared this with me: all you have to do is to remember the Savior, what he did for us, his teachings and ministry and the spirit will come. I tried this out a couple times this week and I was shocked at how filled with the spirit I was in just a few seconds. It really, really works. So if you find that you need the guidance from the spirit this week, just remember the Savior and what he did for you and what that means to you and I promise you that it will come.

I love you all,
Elder Siebert

P.S. Kohl, I think it was you that was the "on toast" person, so for you this week I put curry on toast. Shockingly good. I took a picture for you. I'll send it when I can.

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