Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekly Report: Sadly, Still Dry

Hey everyone!
I am reporting live from Danshui to let you know...that unfortunately, our baptismal candidate for this upcoming week failed, but there is a lot of hope for him and I think that he will be getting the big dunk soon!

Due to the craziness in schedule, we haven't really been able to do a lot with food this week, but I did manage to make a HUGE pot of Dong1gua1 cha2 with milk added into it. We got the Donggua cha from this one investigator who gets it free from his company. There is enough to make something like 20,000 ccs. That's a TON of drink. Man. I feel the pressure. But as for the rating for this one, 4 magnificent melons out of 5.

The week has flown. We are teaching something like 20 investigators, which really keeps us on our toes. I realized something the other day as I was studying: as long as I keep it mostly centered around the investigators, everything goes much better for the day. Let's face it, I am not here for me. I will be changed and grow through these years, but the main purpose is to help the investigators and that means spending most of my time thinking about them. I've noticed that I have the spirit more and that I am happier as I center my life more on others.

This week we had an awesome teaching experience with a Chen Jiemei and her daughter. Her daughter, Jie1Yi3 is not baptized yet, but Chen Jm had been inactive for nearly eight years. We started out teaching more to chen jiemei because she was majorly concerned that the only reason that we wanted to come over was to teach JieYi the lessons and baptize her. I realized that Chen Jm needed the gospel shared with her just as much as her daughter though. We pretty much focus it fifty-fifty. The other day I had a distinct impression to share in depth about the atonement for Chen Jm. When we did and I shared Alma 36 and testimony, I could see that she was really feeling the spirit and that JieYi could feel it too. I invited her to be baptized and we ended up setting the date for her birthday 5/2. It was awesome. Chen Jm was crying with joy. I was elated all day long. I really have a testimony as we focus on others and do all we can to serve them, the Lord will step in with all the help that we need.

That's about all I have for this week, I love you all, but am alarmed that I am not getting mail from my no-doubt countless readers. Hee hee.
Elder Siebert

PS Oh, I forgot, last week, we went to this all you can eat hot pot place and pretty much everything else you'd ever want to eat place for Elder Benson's birthday. Some members in his former area invited him to go and I went along and it only cost a total of 200 NT for me. They had all the meats and stuff and I literally ate no fewer than 8 platters of meat by myself, along with a whole plate of the hot pot stuff, a plate of fruits and desserts (dipped in the chocolate fountain), 4 coca-colas, and....ready for it? 7 Haagen Das ice cream cones with 3 scoops a piece (except the last one which had four). Yeah. We were there for nearly two hours and I didn't eat until lunch the next day. Pretty much it was a 24 hour meal. It was pretty crazy and delicious. I was appeased. I probably have to frustrate my dad and give it 6 bulging bellies out of 5.

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