Monday, April 4, 2011

Weekly Report: Super Soakers are so not just water guns

Hey Everyone!
THE DANSHUI AREA JUST GOT DRENCHED! Zheng4 Li2 Yi3 Jing4 is now a member of our church! She was SO awesome! We ran out of gas at the church when we were filling our little ghetto "Port-o-font", so the water was freezing. Despite all this, she said that when she first stepped in she thought it was cold, but when she came out of the water, she felt like she was super warm. It was so awesome that she had such a powerful experience. Elder Benson had to do the honors twice because her foot came up the first time, but the second time he got her all the way under and even sent up a small tidal wave over the side of the port-o-font. It was really funny. The bishop had to jump back to avoid it. Hehehe. The service went really well, I ended up giving a talk in it and also singing a solo rendition of Nearer My God to Thee. It was really good, minus a couple girls giving me the goo-goo eyes in the back. Sigh.

Besides baptizing, I have been eating more great food lately because I have been getting menus and translating them with the help of Nina, one of the members who comes teaching with us a lot. I have vastly expanded my ability to try new foods I think. It's awesome. This week I tried some Ga1Li3 (curry) Ke2Le4Bing2 which are basically these fried mashed potato things. They have meat and veggies in them too, but they get all breaded up and fried. It was really quite wonderful. I liked it a lot and a lot. I would have to give it 4 out of 5 curried confections.

This week I also ended up cutting my companion's hair pretty awesome. I have learned much from my mom's haircutting skills and I was finally confident enough to forget the little razor attachments and just go at it with the bare razor and a comb. The result was some awesome, well blended hair. Everyone and their dog complimented his hair cut. Really, we discussed this the other day and decided that when someone compliments the haircut, they're complimenting the person who cut it (me) rather than the person who's hair was cut. However, if they say that you look good with the haircut, then it's a compliment to you. This is what we talk about in our down time.

We have been biking more than normal lately to save on money and I think that I can quote "The Best Two Years" in that my tush has become very beautiful with all the biking that I have been doing. Just in case you were wondering.

Hmmmm....I don't know that there's much else to say. The girl problems are getting better, which is great because I was getting to the point where I wanted to leave the area because it was so bad. Oh! Last week, we went up to this member's house for P-day which was awesome. They live all the way up in the mountains, near the very top, so when we looked out of their windows, we could see all of Danshui, Zhuwei, SanZhi, everything. It was this surreal, super gorgeous view. I will have to send my SD card home, even though that doesn't do justice.

We saw the changing power of the atonement this week. We have an investigator who has been stagnant for a long time, but he has finally started to keep commitments and he is suddenly making great strides to get baptized. It's awesome!

Oh, everyone here also tells me how I look like I am way older than I am because they all think that I look mature and talk in a very mature way. Hee hee. Uh, I think that's all. Keep pressing on everyone!

Elder Siebert

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