Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekly Report: I am a Weatherman, and I predict things will get wet

Hey everyone!
The weather is warming up here in Taiwan which means that many times I feel like I am melting/swimming in sweat and that no one is bothering to wear pants anymore. Seriously, there are no pants anywhere. As a general rule, I stopped looked lower than eye level anymore.

This week I finally had a1gei2 (agae). It was really not bad. I rather liked it, I won't lie. It's kind of this gelatinous ball of doughy stuff that gets steamed and then stuffed with various things. The type I had was stuffed with these noodle things (dong1fen2). I would have to say it's a 3.5 out 5. As far as other food, I had this amazing Miso based soup from an investigator's restaurant. He asked us to have lunch there and then gave us all this food for free. It was amazing. I felt like a king. The soup was possibly the best that I have had in a long, long time.

This week was very good. I had an investigator who passed his baptismal interview this sunday. He will be baptized this Friday. I am super excited because this is a guy that we almost gave up on, but then in answer to prayers, he started to see that the miracles and blessings in his life were coming from God. He wanted to get to know God more than he does now and that's why he is willing to be baptized. It is amazing to see that in just one week he has had a complete reversal of faith. He went from not really believing that Heavenly Father was the only true God to firmly believing and being so excited. He knows that Jesus is the Christ and he wants to do what he can do have something to give back.

We have also seen miracles as we have been carrying around a copy of the book of mormon with us wherever we go. It really lets people see that the gospel is something tangible. It gives them proof of reality of our message. They can feel it, read it and hold it in their hands. I want to encourage everyone that has taken the BOM for granted to really think about what this miraculous book means to you, how you know it's true, and what that makes you want to do. I'll do it too, because I feel like that'd be awesome.

Finally, we watched conference this week and it was amazing. The long wait for conference finally culminated in a 6 hour, nearly non-stop session watched in English on our Bishop's iPad this Saturday. We then watched the rest on Sunday. It was really, really good. I felt like I found answers to almost all of my personal questions and many of my investigators' questions. I can't wait for the Ensign to come out.

Elder Siebert

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