Friday, November 30, 2012


Hey everyone!
Maybe it was a poor mosquito, so you're feeding the poor and fulfilling your baptismal covenant.--Elder Welch on me complaining about getting attacked by a mosquito.
This is the perfect finding opportunity! They're all on hospital beds, they can't get away!--Me when we went to the hospital looking for service.
We can tell her that there are sharks in the water, but in case we can't buy a shark or find one, we need a backup plan.--Elder Welch in response to my question, "How do we help Sister Guo come to church?" (she always goes up to JiLong and swims on Sundays)
Sister Taylor touches your little ear thing too?!? I'm telling President.--Me with Elder Zou on exchanges
Me: It's an epic quest! Far more exciting than saving a princess! We're saving souls!
Elder Welch: Well, you never know, one of them could be a princess.......for someone.....---While knocking on night
Elder Welch: Lebron James.
Me: Yeah........
Brother Lu: Oh yeah, Kobe just called me a minute ago too. So did A-Rod."--While meeting with Brother Lu, the phone went off and it was the kid who calls himself Lebron and just bugs the crap out of us. Hilarious.
There's a way out...........SIN!--Elder Welch on me wanting to make banana pie and take it to a member's house but not having bananas at the time and needing to get them. It was Saturday night at about ten, so there weren't any options to get the bananas needed without breaking commandments. We made no-bake cookies instead.
Well this week was a good one because Brother Chen got baptized! It was a sweet service and he was ecstatic to be baptized. While sharing his testimony, he told us how he feels like God gave him a good present that morning because he'd just found the BOM and Bible for his phone, that way he can read them all the time. It was so cool!

So this week was also really cool because there was one day where we didn't have anything really scheduled as far as lessons for the whole day and we just went finding. I contacted this guy early in the day that set up with us for later that day. While we were waiting for him later I had this feeling to go and talk to this guy on the corner who was waiting for the light. At this time the guy we set up was nearly ten minutes late and wasn't answering his phone, so we thought it was unlikely that he was actually coming anymore. I talked to the guy on the corner and he seemed really open. I asked about his religious background and he shared that he was Christian but he doesn't really believe much anymore. I talked about the restoration a little bit and asked if he wanted to go upstairs and talk in the chapel. He practically bellowed a resounding, "YES!" and up we went. We sat down and began to talk and he expressed his excitement about the Restoration. As we shared, the Holy Ghost was really strong and it helped out a lot. In the end he accepted the BOM with great excitement and he also expressed his desire to read and know more. It was a really cool miracle to see that God let us set up a person just to put us in the right place to find the person who He'd really prepared.
That's about all from me. Peace out!
Elder Siebert (Trunk-stache extraordinare)

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