Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekly Report: Philly Sneak, First Baptism, Fun Companion

Hey everyone!
It hasn't been as cold here as it has been in Utah I think. We had a really cool thing happen out here called freezing rain. I'm not exactly sure how it all works out, but it rains and as the rain lands it freezes to everything. Basically when we went out on Tuesday morning, our car had a nice shell of ice completely encasing it about a quarter inch thick. It was really hard to scrape off. It also makes the roads kinda slick so we had to drive pretty slow and were pretty much late to everything that day.

This week I learned a new driving term call the "Philly Sneak." What that entails is that you go into a right turn lane and act like you are going to turn. Then, you put the pedal to the metal when the light goes green and try to get past the person on your left in the lane going straight and thereby skip waiting in line for people to go through the light. The only problem is that you have to make it good off the line and really fake the other person out because if you don't make into the lane, you don't have a lane and you die. 4 Lying Lateral Manuevers out of 5. (I totally knocked that off of mark).

I had my first baptism this week! Her name is Jamey McIntosh. She is an awesome girl from Scotland. She's got the most wicked Scottish accent and she uses expressions like "half seven" (seven thirty), "yous" (you), and "yous don't supposing...." We've been teaching her this entire transfer and she was meeting with the sisters a little before us and the conclusion I have reached is that she's amazing! We had her service and while there I was talking to another investigator, Paola, who also has a date about the baptism. She said that she'd been getting goosebumps every couple minutes. I asked if that was a good thing and she responded "Oh yeah, they're good goosebumps, really good goosebumps!" It was such a wonderful experience.

As you all know, I am going to Taiwan tomorrow and therefore this will be my last email from the States. Crazy right?

My new companion is amazing. He is so easy going, but is very, very hardworking. We have a lot of fun here. Seriously, I think that I have laughed far more in this week than in the entire last transfer put together. One time we were in the car and we were thinking of names for each other's future wives. When it came to Elder Bessey, Elder Mathie and I started telling him all men's names like "Richard" or "Helga". We laughed so hard. Then Elder Bessey said, "no seriously elders" and Elder Mathie looked really focused for a second then said, "what about Jim?" I just about died. I've learned a lot about missionary work from him though. He's really taught me how you can get answers to everything from the BOM. He is the guru of the BOM. Also, I have learned to focus a lot more on the person, and not on just going through the motions. He's (as he would say it) "the man."

Well, I am out of time to write, but I want to say that I love you all and will try to write a little more next week.
Elder Siebert

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